Sunday, August 19, 2012

poisonous snakes fangs - Google Search


Vipers are venomous snakes whose long, hinged, hollow fangs inject deadly toxins. Vipers are generally ambush predators and have mouths that can open to almost 180 degrees during a strike. Strikes are primarily aimed at stunning prey though may also be used in self-defence. The 30 genera in the viper family contain over 200 species including rattlesnakes, lanceheads and puff adders. They can be found in unexpected places, living in trees, in water and in the desert, but most live on the ground. Surprisingly, Australia is one of the two continents where vipers are not to be found. The other is - unsurprisingly - Antarctica.

Scientific name: Viperidae







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10 Deadliest and Poisonous

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What to do for your pet in the event they are bitten by a venomous snake

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Russells viper camouflaged against ground

Snake bite

Venomous snake

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black mamba

Characteristics Of Snakes


Snakes are a favorite topic for discussion among those who like discussing unique animals and their habits. Snakes, in fact, are the strangest creatures I have seen or heard of. I only happened to see snakes once and that too in a zoo. I admit they are a bit eerie but they make one wonder about the wonderful creations of God. No creature has ever been seen with such unique characteristics as that of the snake.

Photographers, of course, are attracted towards bizarre objects, and Snakes are a treat for Wildlife Photographers.Snakes are difficult to catch on the Camera. Firstly, because they are dangerous and can sense you by using their Heat and Vibration sensitive organs; Secondly, they are sometimes too fast to capture.

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Characteristics Of Snakes 2012

Snakes, as it is common knowledge, are Reptiles. They are cold-blooded animals. They also have another strange characteristic. Snakes have adapted themselves to almost all kinds of environments. We can find snakes in hot burning deserts, all kinds of forests and jungles, and even the Tundra. Poisonous snakes have two fangs with thin canals passing through them, which have their roots in two Venom Sacs hanging at the back of the fangs. Venom is injected to the prey through the Venom Sacks via the fangs. 

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Copperhead Snake Photo


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Snake Fangs 2012

Venom types

Snake venom can be divided into two broad (yet fuzzy) categories. That of hemotoxicity and neurotoxicity.
Hemotoxic venom effects the blood and organs, causing a breakdown or inflammation in the body. Hemotoxic bites are the most painful as breathing hurts and tissues start to die.

Neurotoxic venom, as the name suggests, effect the nervous system, leading to everything from siezures to death. Neurotoxic bites are the most deadly.
Although we have these two wonderful different categories, no snake fits completely in each. Many snakes incorporate both neurotoxic and hemotoxic venom in their bites so when telling them apart one goes by which type is more predominant.

For instance Ophiophagous hannah (King Cobra) has predominantly neurotoxic venom while Crotalus adamanteus (Eastern diamondback rattlesnake) has predominantly hemotoxic venom.






diamondback teeth



