Sunday, August 19, 2012

Interesting Facts About the King Cobra Snake

King cobra snakes are the only snakes in the world that build nests for their eggs, according to National Geographic. King cobra snakes are deaf to ambient noises and use vibrations in the ground as one of their main senses. The scientific name for the king cobra snake is Ophiophagus hannah. King cobra snakes belong to the Squamata order, serpents suborder, elapidae family and the ophiophagus genus. The king cobra is not a true cobra as it's in a separate genus from cobras.

Interesting Facts
Synthetic cobra venom is used for pain relievers and arthritis medication, according to National Geographic. The charmers flute entices the king cobra snake through the vibrations it makes in the ground not the noise it makes in the air. King cobras are not aggressive creatures, according to National Geographic. These snakes are actually shy and will avoid humans at all costs. However, if these snakes are cornered they are extremely aggressive.

King cobras live mainly in the rain forests located in the plains of India, southern China and Southeast Asia.

The amount of neurotoxins that a single bite from a king cobra snake contains is enough to kill 20 people, according to National Geographic. The specific amount of fluid released in once bite is 1 oz. This venom is enough to kill a single elephant. However, the venom of the king cobra snake is not the most poisonous of all venomous snakes, according to National Geographic.



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king cobra

king cobra

king cobra

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