Sunday, August 19, 2012

Brown snakes

Cobra_cascavel_280707 _23_04_40s_ _49_06_55w_REFON_ 4 a

Bites from Pseudonaja affinis (Dugite) most often produces coagulopathy, with other clinical signs including:, abdominal pain, breathing and swallowing difficulty, convulsions, ptosis, hemolysis, hypotension from depression of myocardial contractility, renal failure or rhabdomyolysis. The specific procoagulant involved is a serine protease with a sialic acid component which also contributes to the coagulant action that has a different specific activity than the procoagulants from P. inframacula, P. nuchalis, and P. textilis but has a homologous primary structure.

The ringed-brown snake P. modesta has been reported to cause systemic envenomation but, in contrast with other, more toxic members of the genera, there was a clinical absence of coagulopathy or paralysis with general symptoms being mild.


Indian Cobra


King Cobra snake pictures  2525252814

King Cobra


Monocellate Cobra_

NajaKaouthia65MonacledCobra06ByJBulian 7o

NajaSiamensis80IndochinesSpitngCobra06ByLTrutnau 7o

Philippine Cobra


Black SpittingCobra

Black and White Forest Cobra

Circus cobra

Close up of a king cobra

Cobra 3 412x


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Cobra_False 9780_fcw

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