Friday, August 10, 2012

King Cobra Snakes

The King Cobra can lift a third of its body off the ground. In fact, an 18 foot King Cobra, if stood upright, could actually look down onto the average human being. Like other snakes bearing the cobra name, the King Cobra can also flatten its neck, giving it the distinctive hood. When the King Cobra is threatened or on the attack, it will hiss, rear up and flatten its neck ribs into the hood. There are false eyespots on the hood, which can scare some predators. Even though their scaly skin glistens, it is actually dry to the touch. Adults cobras are yellow, green, brown, or black. Their throat is light yellow or cream coloured. Juveniles are black with yellow or white bars crossing the body. 

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 Beuty Of Animlas | King Cobra Snakes | The King Cobra Snake (Ophiophagus hannah) is the largest venomous snake in the world. The King Cobra snake is also perhaps the most dangerous snake in the world where humans are concerned. Under conditions of high prey availability they can reach a length of 18.5 feet. Several people die from the bite of the King Cobra each year. A King Cobra can even kill an elephant.

The King Cobra snake is the largest of the venomous land snakes, growing up to 18.5 feet (5.7 metres) in length and with a width of up to 1 foot (0.3 metres) at the neck. However, as they are generally slender, King Cobras usually do not exceed 44 pounds (20 kilograms) in weight. Male King Cobras are longer and weigh more than female King Cobras, this is very unusual since in most snake species, the male is smaller than the female.

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