Sunday, August 19, 2012

Interesting Facts About the King Cobra Snake 02

King cobra snakes can grow up to 18 feet in length, according to National Geographic. The king cobra is the longest venomous snake on the planet. These snakes can weigh up to 20 pounds.

King cobra snakes are so strong they can lift up to one-third of their body off the ground and still attack their prey, according to National Geographic. When king cobra snakes attack they flare out their iconic hoods and emit a hiss that sounds like a growling dog. These snakes typically eat other snakes that are both venomous and nonvenemous. Other food sources include eggs, lizards and small animals. King cobra snakes guard their eggs fiercely until their hatchlings emerge. The king cobra snake lives on land, in water and in trees.

Side view of a juvenile king cobra

Temp King Cobra     Amod Zambre

Z7850200 King_Cobra SPL






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