Sunday, August 19, 2012

Cobra Snake bites

The most common type of cobra is the Indian cobra or what is called the spectacled cobra, which is very common to the India, and has long been associated with the snake charmers.
Cobras of all varieties are widespread.
The cobra is recognised by its most visible feature, which is the hood. The hood is a flap of skin on the neck that can be erected, or flattened when it feels threatened.
Cobras can be many colors, including black, dark brown and even tan or yellow white. Most cobras large snakes, and can reach about 15 feet, but the average is about 8 feet.
Their bite is deadly, yet they have another method of defence as well. They can spit venom to the eyes of a victim.
This will incapacitate predators, however while irritating is not permanently damaging if washed out immediately.
The king cobra eats a primary diet of almost entirely meat. Primarily, it eats other snakes as well that make up most of its diet, although it does vary with smaller rodents and sometimes birds.
It will attack humans when provoked, and if untreated, its bite is lethal in as little as just 30 minutes.
King cobras will reach lengths of up to 17 feet long, making them the very largest poisonous snake in the world.

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cobra snake

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