Sunday, August 19, 2012

Charmed Cobra Snake

Any cobra bite is life threatening and medical assistance is an immediate need.
Some of the symptoms that will be felt by the victim are dizziness and extreme muscle weakness, including the muscles that you would use to breathe.

The Snake charmers in India will use harmless tricks to woo spectators to their craft.
As the cobra begins to rise from its basket, it will sway, seemingly in time to the music that the charmer plays.

The cobra however, can’t hear. The snake charmer uses the cobra’s natural actions to make it appear that they are being charmed and impress the audience.
It seems to me that anyone who has the nerve to handle a snake that can bite and kill you in less than half an hour has no need for additional methods to impress me.

What happens is that when the snake is taken from darkness to the light and open air, it rises up and spreads the hood, which is how it would react to a threat.

It will see the pipe being played and mistaking it for another swaying snake, will sway in time with it, to keep it in their line of vision, since cobras cannot swivel their eyes

King Cobra Mating

King Cobra Snakes

King Cobra photo

King Cobra snake pictures  2525252814

King Cobra

King 25252BCobra

King cobra partially displaying hood

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